Today has been a very good day. I woke up and got on the road about 9 and headed back into the park, I was able to get a camp site (the last one) at the first campground past the west gate to the park. I set up my tent left a few things behind and headed into the "popular" place of the park, the valley. There was a lot of riding today, surprisingly. The popular spot is just that, tons of people. There was a conssesions stand and a small store and a sport store. Everything thing you could want while roughing it in Yosemite National Park. On a positive note I met some pretty cool people while in that mad house. One fella, which I forget his name, was from San Diego and was staying in Manmoth and trailerd his bike and took a day trip into the park. He told me about all the cool places to go and actually rode with me for a few miles to show me the best view point of El Capitan. There were people climing it! We met up with another bunch of people who has some binoculars and we were really able to seem them climb up at least part of the mountain. This place is nothing like I have ever seen before. So much granite which resited the glaciar flows which carved the rest of the valley sans these huge peaks and out croppings of rock.
I do have pictures and instead of posting them here, I decided the next time I get some internet I will start a photobucket account and post all of them on there. And as they say pictures never do the justice that this place has inspired in me. I almost want to cruz around the Sierra Nevadas and see what else there is to offer but I think I need to keep moving. I also don't want to be disappointed by seeing everything that is not in Yosemite.
Today I did get a little "homesick" but I think it is just being by yourself out here and no one to share it with. But this is the experience I have been looking for just flying around on a motorbike and seeing the sights and meeting interesting people along the way. It is everything I could wish for. I just my iPod would last more than a day of riding cause you start to get a little crazy in the head when your in your helmet. Maybe that is the young person in me always wanting/needing sound or music. I know my dad would be perfectly content with the sound of wind and the smell of nature to keep him company. I always remeber riding in his truck and wondered why he didn't have the radio on. It all make sence to me know. You don't need a huge RV or even a car with A/C. You have the aw inspring view and the smells mother nature can graciously provide and that's it. I wonder to myself what this place would be like with out people. I went to a place called Glacier Point where you can look upon the whole vally a vertical 3000 feet, not even joking. But what you see is amazing, except when you look in the vally and you see tons of cars/people/buses/buildings and I even saw a swimming pool.... Anyway I am greatful for this oportunity and this experience, there is some life changing messeges in there some where.
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