Wednesday, September 8, 2010

MT to WA, This post is out of order I apologize.

Today started about 400 miles ago. I am meeting my father in Wintrop tomorrow and wanted tomorrow to be an easy day so I poured on the throttle today. Lots of beautiful country. I thought at one point I was coming down out of the mountains but every corner I took around one mountain another one showed up! I few miles outside of Missula, MT I followed a river for about 100 miles so there was always something to look at on the road. I pretty much stopped to get gas, food, and my buns a rest for a few minuets. I was thankful that most of the labor day traffic was headed in the other direction.
On the ride I was trying to figure out what my total milage for the trip will be and that's one thing on this trip I wish I had done is keep and accurate account of the milage. On a guestimate I think it will be in the neighborhood of 8000 miles. Thats more miles than driving to the Atlantic coast and back, pretty wild stuff.
I was a little bit worried about finding a place to stay tonight. On the first try though I found a camp site. Its right on Lake Rosevelt (Columbia River) and it was practically empty. It's on a cove which is pretty much dried up so maybe that's the reason it's empty. Well I only have about 150 miles to Winthrop and I should make that by noon, easy.

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